Daniel's Update, Week 4

Saturday, May 25, 2002

9:30 pm Jim reported tonight that today was another quiet day. His kidneys are functioning more nornally so no additional dialysis was needed. His temperature is still 102 but blood pressure was stable. The pressure from the respirator was down to 16 (5 is considered normal). No surgeries planned at this time.

Sunday, May 26th

7:45 pm Hi...this is Jim Fox at the Laun home. Last night, Daniel's temperature spiked at 105. When Toni arrived, they had placed a cooling blanket over him to keep the temperature down. They don't know the cause of the temperature, but it is currently 102 degrees. Daniel had dialysis for excess fluids (2 and a half hours today) and is scheduled for dialysis tomorrow. This should be the last of the dialysis. His lungs were x-rayed today and they appear to be doing better. The doctors removed one of his chest tubes today (a chest tube was also removed yesterday). He is now down to 3. Other than these things, today was another uneventful day. Toni said he looked peaceful when she left for the evening. Toni and I appreciate all of the support we have received from our friends in Arcadia and throughout the world. It is humbling to receive the love, care, and support during Daniel's hospitalization. Thank you so much... --Jim Fox

Monday, May 27th

6:45 pm Jim reports tonight that today was another peaceful day. The doctors removed the staples from his head and he still has a cool blanket placed on his body to help with the fever. His vital signs are good. Today, for the first time in weeks, they were able to play his David Bowie CD. The resident on duty also likes David Bowie...and after reviewing his CD collection, remarked that Daniel has good taste in music!

Tuesday, May 28th

9:00 pm Jim reports tonight that today was another good day for Daniel. His temperature is still elevated but his vital signs are good. Toni is now helping the nurses when they bathe Daniel. The ICU is preparing a patient manual and asked Toni and Jim's mom to give them the family perspective. They have been editing the manual to echo their experiences. What a great help to other families who must also have this experience! Another positive note from Jim: The ICU doctor was talking to Jim's mother and he mentioned that he thought it would be easier on the family to have Daniel's rehab done in California. As you probably know, the doctors are very cautious when talking about recovery...because certainly Daniel is not out of the woods yet. But this was very encouraging to them all. Emily Fox will fly to Albany on Wednesday.

Wednesday, May 29th

7:30 pm Today was a fairly uneventful day. Daniel's temperature is still rising---and then falling after alcohol sponge baths. Today the doctors removed another chest tube on the right side. Now there are only two, one on each side of the chest. Emily arrived today and Jim's mother will leave for home on Friday. Jim's boss has given him a ticket to return next week... he will fly to Albany on next Wednesday.

Thursday, May 30th

7:15 pm Today was a challenging day for Daniel, family and the medical staff. He had a partial lung collapse on the right side. Jim explains that due to the Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome, his lungs are not as flexible and pliable as healthy lungs. Today a new chest tube was inserted and the oxygen pressure was increased to 100%. After the lungs were reinflated, then the oxygen was reduced to 70%. His blood presure and temperature were up and down all day. The doctors are trying to wean Daniel off of the tubes and medicines gradually. Often patients in his situation react gradually...but Daniel's vitals seem to change quite rapidly. After they took him off the blood presssure medicine, his bp went up considerably. They decided to restart the blood pressure medicine again. Toni reports today that when Daniel wakes, he has a very short period of alertness (30 seconds to a minute or so). His eyebrows are very expressive. The nursing staff are quick to explain to Daniel where he is and that he was in a major accident. He then seems to relax again.

Friday, May 31st

10 pm Sorry for the late update! Daniel was stable today with blood pressure and temperature still fluctuating. He had a broncoscopy today where they took samples from his lungs. Samples are at the lab. His lungs returned to stable function.

Daniel's friend Emilie (from Bard College) has also set up a link to pictures from this year.
Emilie's site

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Jeff and Mary Ann Laun
618 Santa Rosa Rd
Arcadia 91007
(626) 447-8492 (h)
(626) 827-8492 (cell)
(626) 585-7833 (work)
Mary Ann's email

Jeff's email

Mindy Sherman
home after 5/22/2002 (626) 447-8492
Mindy's email