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Survivor 12 Photos
Winners - Billy - Mike B - Mike V - Carol - Diana - Barbara - Dorothy/Hema - Sandy - Tech Svcs - Miss Soo Hoo - Shelly
Fun Premire Party - Finale Party

Survivor 11 Photos
Winners - Haden - Miss Soo Hoo (The other winner photos got lost)

Survivor 10 Photos
Winners - Miss Soo Hoo - Dawn - Adrian/Shelly - Susie - Caroline - Haroldine - Ramona - Sandy - Tech Services - Mary Ann - Tom
Andrew Savage from Survivor Pearl Islands visits Jeff's weekly Survivor Party!
Surprise guest appearance of Andrew Savage
Group shot with Andrew behind Cathy
Andrew with Rick and Susie
Andrew's website
Jeff's website for Survivor Pearl Islands
Survivor 10 Premier party (I didn't want anyone to see Rona)

Survivor 9 Photos
Winners - Jill - Judy - Mike B - Ann - Sandy - Paula - Davis Family - Barbara
Survivor 9 Final party (Sorry Pat, for cutting you off)
Rona, the $60.00 Survivor 9 Loser
Survivor 9 Premier party

Survivor 8 Photos
Winners: Amy - Ashley - Paula - Rick - Peggy - Adrian
Survivor 8 Final party
Survivor 8 Premier party
The Big Prize ($1,500)

Survivor 7 Photos
Winners: Library Tech Services Dorothy/Fiona (in snapshot) Pat Debbie/Doug Carol Ashley Mike/Robyn Diana/Lance
Final Party
Final Party, Amy and Emily, hoping for Jonny Fairplay
They look like losers, but are $25.00 winners
"Rulec Losers" are $25.00 winners also
Nothing to do with Survivor. Jeff part of the Nevada State skydiving record (41)
After the skydive with one of my sweethearts
Survivor 7 Premier party
The Big Prize

Survivor 6
Final party
Winners of $168.00 each Amy Andrea Leslie Adrian Michael O'Dell
Michael Buckhouse consolation prize winner
Week 1 viewing party

Survivor 5 - Winners ($60.50 each)
D2 (They are trying to make a "W" for Winner, not a double loser) - Amy, Andrea - Toni, Sandy - Melinda - Mary Ann and Jeff - Janet - Robyn, Leslie - Tim - Michael B - Virginia

Survivor 5 - Winners of the consolation prize ($25.00 each)
Losers 1 Loser 2

Second to last Survivor 5 Party, (including Daniel) Survivor 5, Party#2
Survivor 5, Amy deciding who to change
Survivor 5, Premier Party

Survivor 4, Winners of the Grand Prize ($105.75 each)
Paula (Three peat) - Mike O'Dell - Melinda Soo Hoo - Jeff - Crystal - Allene Survivor 4, Final Party
Nothing to do with Survivor, Jeff's skydive as part of a NYFD fundraiser
What my own daughter thinks of her dad
Who did everyone end up voting off
Amy, comparing buffs with Tom